
Our Church is filled with incredible people who give generously of their time and talents to help make amazing events and programs happen at Ridgewood. Here are a few of the volunteer positions and committees:

Camp (Longbow Lake Bible Camp)

The Camp Committee looks after the planning and organizing of camp staff, projects, and other camp-related activities.


The Decorating Committee looks after decorating projects in the church, as well as creating appropriate decor themes for all holidays and special occasions.


The Finance Committee looks after Ridgewood’s financial activities and fundraising initiatives.


The Food Committee looks after food preparation for various church functions, fundraisers, and events.


The Library Committee looks after administrative duties related to the Church’s library, including book orders, reserves, check ins/outs, and reshelving books.



The Music Committee looks after preparing worship music and special numbers for every service and other special services.



The Premises Committee looks after church building maintenance, repairs, and special projects.

Sunday School

Ridgewood’s Sunday School consists of five departments: Adult, Youth, Junior, Primary, and Nursery. Our departments function with the direction of a superintendent, a secretary, and many teachers and helpers.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Worship Service

Ridgewood’s worship service involves various positions including soundsystem operators, powerpoint operators, and ushers.

Youth (Junior & Senior)

Ridgewood’s youth programs are divided into Junior Youth (grades 7-8) and Senior Youth (grades 9-12). Youth ministries are led by the Youth Pastor. Both Junior and Senior Youth also have youth leader positions. If you are interested in learning more or assisting with Ridgewood’s youth programs, please contact Dustin Asham at dustin@ridgewoodchurchonline.com